What are Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones are hard deposits made of minerals and salts that form in the kidneys. They develop when certain substances in the urine become highly concentrated. They can vary in size and shape, causing severe pain and discomfort when passing through the urinary tract. If you or someone you know has ever experienced kidney stones, you understand the importance of finding effective ways to dissolve them. Most common types of kidney stones are calcium stones, which are made of calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate.
This Formula Works for Dissolving Kidney Stone:
Dissolve (KS)
Clinical applications:
- Kidney stones or urinary calculi
- Painful urination, with difficulty initiating or maintaining a good urinary stream, lower abdominal pain, sudden stopping or blockage of urination with passage of a stone(s).
- Renal colic, one-sided intermittent pain in the flank area that spreads across the abdomen and to the genital area & inner thigh.
Therapeutic Actions
- Dissolves & facilitates passage of stones
- Promotes normal urination
- Relieves pain
While Chinese herbs offer natural alternatives for dissolving kidney stones, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any herbal treatment. Kidney stones can vary in size and composition, requiring personalized care and treatment options.
By incorporating Chinese herbs into your treatment plan under the guidance of a Licensed Acupuncturist, you may find relief from kidney stones and support overall kidney health.
To learn more & order these herbs, book a free consultation call today.